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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Colvey

Clutter clear to reduce psychological stress

Erin had three closets and a decade worth of clothes. Pre-Australia clothes, world-traveling clothes. From questionable rompers in Bali, jeans from the early ‘00s to winter coats in Russia. There were pregnancy and post-pregnancy clothes and the special occasion outfits that were purchased in between.

In the past, with the intention to organize, she did get a shoe rack on Amazon. Unfortunately, the rack was “janky” and collected dust in another closet. With two toddlers, closet organizing was never high on the priority list. But as someone aesthetically inclined, this closet was not working for her anymore.

We figured out a day to connect and I texted, “Happy Friday, ready to clutter clear??,” and Erin’s response was, “Yes and no.” The ambivalence was real, I needed this to go quickly. I did what Marie and her consultants do with their clients, I collected all her clothes and dumped them on the bed. I made breakfast for Avery, while Caleb slept. It was Erin vs. Erin’s closets and within a couple hours my girl was winning!

Erin is not an aspiring minimalist and so Kondoing her closet was perfect for her because Ms. Kondo makes no bones about it-her method is NOT minimalist. For her, it’s about inspiring joy. You can keep as many things as you want, as long as they spark a little something! Personally, I like trying to live with less. Fewer clothes, fewer car payments, fewer carbs, fewer chemicals, fewer etc. I find pairing down my things is one of the many ways of reducing psychological stress. You can also see my closet in the pictures below. Thank you to Becoming Minimalist and Being More with Less for the inspiration.

Erin now feels 1,000Ibs lighter! She gets to open up her closet every day with a smile and some extra sanity! Hooray!

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