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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Colvey

The Move from Fall to Winter ('Tis the Season for Giving! Free Resources Inside)

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

Dear Friends! It's a great time for hot tea, slowing down, and going inward. It's also the season for giving and I want to offer you some complimentary ways to take advantage of this season. 1. If you prefer working in groups, I'm hosting (2) Live Workshops: Design your Life Blueprint for 2023! More info + the registration link is below:

2. If you prefer working on your own, download a copy below of my Yearly Goal-Setting Exercise. At the end of every December, I set candles, pull spiritual cards, and make time for a yearly goal-setting ceremony. I invite you to turn the calendar year with the intention of bringing your goals to light!

***Bonus: Feel free to download my Overcoming Procrastination Handout and review my favorite Book Resources on my website as well.

3. Lastly, I'm SO excited to announce the launch of my Winter Program! A Group Coaching program beginning February of 2023! I've been noodling around the intersection of distraction, avoidance, and purpose for months now and finally my process lines up beautifully with the season of winter and the element of water.

“When you decide to change your life the first thing to happen is loss.” William Bridges, Ph.D.

We don’t talk about this loss and instead lunge forward into action or conversely into distraction and avoidance.

If you regularly choose the latter tendencies and find yourself ripping down more calendar months or years without seeing any desired changes, what if you slowly turned your head towards your old patterns?

It’s a big, huge ask.

When you reduce the friction and let go of your old ways, you can finally make the huge, big step you are seeking toward transformational change.

The one you have been needing to make but avoiding.

I'm so excited to offer my Winter Program where we will explore slowing down in order to speed up.

As a group will be examining the inner barriers to success in well-being while providing the accountability and support you need to burst open for the Spring of 2023!

The program will have weekly modules and a mix of both cognitive and functional nutritional tips!

Lots of love this season!

Coach Taylor

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